During 2020, several teachers made similar observations in the playground. We noticed that the traditional playground structure in the middle of the playground was mainly used to either run laps around or to climb up and slide down. Our teachers used their observations to open a dialog with the students to discuss what they would like a playground to include.

These conversations set us off on a school-wide, child-led project to improve our outdoor areas and work out how to make the best use of the space we have. Our students made many requests for items like real life fire trucks, a swimming pool, more water play, a pirate ship, a bridge, and tennis courts.
Although the swimming pool and water slides were not obtainable, we worked with our students, families, and community to build a water wall, install a boat, a concrete tunnel, and to work on the Judah’s rope bridge project.
Our Malaguzzi class had recently opened up their Tiger Scissor Salon and offered to start a fundraiser to allow us to put up a new fence and make the playground bigger.

Grand Valley Concrete kindly donated the tunnel the children requested and Straightline Fencing installed our new fence.

We have since observed students breaking out into smaller groups and engaging in so much more imaginative play!