For several weeks Judah had been adamant that he wanted to design a rope bridge for the playground. He showed us where it should go and discussed materials that should be used. We spoke about how we could promote the idea to everyone else and then decided to build a model. He found the materials in the back room and we started putting it together.

He began by stapling string to the wood but when the staples wouldn’t go in properly he suggested using hot glue. He counted out each plank of wood until he reached a predetermined amount and then tested it out between two chairs!

Weeks later Judah drew up a “blueprint” for the full size bridge and brought his plans to the GREDC Director to sell his idea. He selected the materials he wanted to use and was able to convince them to let him begin building in the playground.

He also requested that we record a video of him explaining it all so I could post it “on the news”. Fortunately, our local news team agreed.