
Meaning Treasure, Tesoro holds the youngest students enrolled in our program.  We view infants as a treasure, and value the opportunity to influence them during this sensitive period of development when their brains are absorbing every experience they are provided.

Meet the teachers

Penny Blackall

Mentor Teacher
Child Development Associate®
Teaching for 30 years

Penny Blackall

Mentor Teacher
Child Development Associate®
Teaching for 30 years

I have been an employee with the Grand Rapid Early Discovery Center (formerly AQCDC) since August of 1990. I was the lead teacher in the young preschool room for 19.5 years. In July of 2009 I received my Child Development Associates Credential. In January of 2010 I become the lead teacher in the infant room.

I have been married since 1988 to my husband, Roger, and we have 2 sons. Dereck was born in 1985 and Drew was born in 1990. Drew graduated in spring of 2012 from Aquinas College. He is now working for the state of Michigan. After 8 years in Child Protective Services, he has now moved on to Adult Protective Services. I guess he inherited his love of children from me. Drew was also married to his wife Stacy in July 2015. They purchased a home and I now have a beautiful granddaughter. She is the apple of my eye that’s for sure. Even though she says she is Gompa’s girl. LOL

Penny reading a book to an infant.

I absolutely love working with young children. They have so much to offer are so eager to learn. Children are so full of knowledge and curiosity. My goal is to help them expand their knowledge and assist them in exploring their curiosity for the world in which they exist.

Penny playing guitar to the Tesoro infants.

Teaching in a Reggio-inspired environment is a huge part of why I love my position here at the GREDC. The style of learning allows me to let the infants explore life and the world around them and in return they build knowledge of their own learning abilities. In April 2004, I had the opportunity to visit Reggio Emilia, Italy. It was an experience I will never forget.

Penny and an infant looks at pictures of his family.

Becca Johnson

Mentor Teacher
B.A. in early childhood education
Teaching for 8 years

Becca Johnson

Mentor Teacher
B.A. in early childhood education
Teaching for 8 years

I graduated from Aquinas College in 2020 with a Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Education. I started at the GREDC in 2016, left briefly in 2022, but came back in 2023. Through many roles at the GREDC, I have gained hands-on experience working with children under the age of 5. I absolutely adore working with all children, but infants and toddlers are the most fun in my eyes!

I do own an early childhood music business, Melody and Harmony. I have always been a musical person and after graduating college, I wanted to find a way to combine something I was passionate about with the love I have for working in Early Childhood. Teaching music to young children is the perfect way to do this!

Morgan Hunley

A.A. in psychology

Morgan Hunley

A.A. in psychology

Hi there! My name is Morgan Hurley. I am fairly new to the GREDC family. I started working in the Tesoro classroom Oct. of 2023. I moved from Missouri to Michigan in 2015, so you might hear a slight accent when having a conversation with me 🙂

I have my Associates degree in psychology and am currently working to obtain my CDA credentials with the infant/toddler ages. When not working with children, you will most likely find me outside hiking or training in the gym.

What I enjoy most about working with the EDC is the relationships I have built with my fellow teachers, the families. and of course the kiddos. My favorite part about working with the infant toddler ages is the ah-ha moments I get to witness on a daily basis. Watching them get excited about a milestone or a concept finally clicking is the best!

Maddie Dewald

B.A. in psychology (early childhood development)
Lifelong childcare provider

Maddie Dewald

B.A. in psychology (early childhood development)
Lifelong childcare provider


My name is Miss Maddie! I am the newest addition to the Tesoro classroom and so excited to be here! I grew up in a big family with lots of littles running around, so I’ve been babysitting/watching children for as long as I can remember. I received my degree in psychology with an emphasis in early childhood development, as well as a minor in Chinese culture and Mandarin. I’ve worked in one other daycare, with older kids at Pine Rest Mental Health, and individual families as a nanny.

I got engaged July 2023 and have been spending my time at home wedding planning with my fiancé. We have two kitties, Noodles and Peter (Chunk), as well as Sir Hubbard the frog. I enjoy listening to podcasts, reading graphic novels and manga, creating art of any kind, horror movies and funky music. I’m a drink person, always enjoying a little treat. I’ve created an at-home drink bar where I enjoy making soda’s, coffee, seltzer, tea, coco and many others! Please feel free to ask any questions about me or my life, I am an open book!

Recent studies:

Infant plays with giraffe toy amidst rope lights.
Andrew DeJong

Recent Study: Lights

Tesoro has been playing around with a variety of lights. The children have been experimenting how different toys change color in the presence of the

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Tom Dodd

Recent Study: Music

Music can stimulate children’s natural curiosity and desire to learn as they explore the diversity, sounds, rhythms, and emotions of different music genres and instruments.

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Lauren Huyck

Mentor Teacher

B.S in psychology and writing
A.A. in early childhood education
Teaching since 2010

My name is Lauren Huyck and I am the afternoon lead for the Scoperta classroom. I started as a teaching assistant when the center was still part of Aquinas in 2010. When we became the GREDC in 2012, I stayed on. In 2014, I was excited to accept the role of lead teacher.

I have a Bachelors in psychology and writing, and an associates in early childhood education. I am currently working on getting a Masters in psychology with a concentration in child development.

I love seeing the children grow and learn. There are so many developmental milestones that I get to see and experience. I fell in love with the Reggio approach and work to incorporate it in all my experiences with children. It has definitely taught me to treat children as citizens of the world.

I honestly could go on about how much I love the work I do and how passionate I feel about every child having quality care but that would take eons. So I will end with these two quotes:

“To take children seriously is to value them for who they are right now rather than adults-in-the-making.”

Alfie Kohn

If you trust play, you will not have to control your child’s development as much. Play will raise the child in ways you can never imagine.

Vince Gowmon