Avventura were recently gifted an electronic “disposable” camera. It looks like any other disposable camera for the most part, but we’re able to upload the pictures to the computer immediately. This piece of technology has proven to be an interesting topic of discussion and exploration in the class.
The children are being challenged to use technology in a way they may not have done before. Typically, when it comes to photography, the children see us taking pictures on our phones. That’s very different than having to use a viewfinder and clicking a button on the top of the camera at the same time.

Even though the pictures don’t always seem to come out the way the children may have intended, we’ve been provided with a lot of insight as to how the toddlers see the world around them, and what they find important. We wanted to give you an opportunity to view these pictures to see what/how the children are choosing to document throughout the day.